September 2015 – March 2016

March 15, 2016
John Waldman

In October, I spoke (together with artist James Prosek and Photographers David Doubilet and Jennifer Hayes and ecologist Karin Limburg) at the Dale Travis Lecture: The Future of Fisheries: Choices, Decisions, and the Role of the Arts, at SUNY-ESF in Syracuse. Former Ph.D. student George Jackman published his first journal article on his otolith-based winter flounder research. In November, I debunked for the New York Times a fun hoax involving a putative 3-eyed fish from Brooklyn’s legendarily polluted Gowanus Canal. In February I had the privilege of addressing the new cohort of teachers participating in the Harbor School’s Billion Oyster Project. The March issue Fisheries Magazine published a paper I co-authored on the role of resilience theory in restoring anadromous fishes; the same issue also included a member’s interview with me. I also served as the spring 2016 scientist-in-residence at the Hudson River Museum.