February 2018 – December 2024

November 20, 2023

Please see my cv for happenings and publications over most of this time span. High points include papers published in Nature Sustainability (on new ideas on energy issues and hydro-dams to benefit fish) and in Science Advances (a broad look at drivers and avenues for remediation of anadromous fish declines). I also published three op-eds in The New York Times: one on the conservation importance of historical ecology, another on the benefits of the Clean Water Act of 1972 on the ecological renaissance of New York Harbor, and a third on freeing Maine’s Kennebec River for salmon and other migratory fishes.

Additionally, I gave keynote, plenary, or endowed presentations, among others at Roger Williams University, the University of Maine, Lehman College, Shippensburg University, and the American Fisheries Society (both the New York Chapter and the joint Northeast Division-Mid-Atlantic Chapter), Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve, and the Gulf of Maine Research Institute.

On the ground level, I have joined the battle to remove the Kinneytown Dam on Connecticut’s Naugatuck River, an ecologically egregious artifact that blocks access to 30 miles of river, a system that is estimated to be capable of supporting 20,000 American shad and 30,000 river herring but in which annual runs number well less than 100. Please view the excellent story map on this conservation challenge.

I am presently on sabbatical and am working on a book tentatively titled “The Life and Times of American Rivers,” which will document what is (very) wrong with our rivers and present a vision of what they could and should be. And I continue to edit a book titled The Great Transformation: New York’s Jamaica Bay in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries.