April 2016 – March 2017

March 15, 2017
John Waldman

Among a number of talks given was a videotaped public presentation on the Running Silver Project at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies. I also was honored to be a keynote speaker in June at Fish Passage 2016 – International Conference on River Connectivity, held at UMASS–Amherst, giving a lecture titled Restoring Atlantic Diadromous Fishes: Why it Comes Down to Dams (and Why More Dams Should Come Down). An important initiative that I led was the tributaries connectivity effort for was the Hudson River Restoration Project being organized by The Nature Conservancy. In November, hired postdoctoral associate Dr. Shailesh Sharma to work with me on the Running Silver Project, with generous support from the JPB Foundation. In January, Eric Sanderson of Wildlife Conservation Society and I published an op-ed in the New York Daily News titled What JFK Fliers Owe Jamaica Bay Wildlife, making a case for financial support of bay restoration efforts from an airport facility that so altered its habitats.