Recent Papers & Book Chapters

Anadon, J.D. O. Piñeiro, A. Ruhi, J. Hornstein, and J. Waldman. 2024. Decoupled shifts of dominant and rarer fish species as a response to long-term warming and extreme events in Jamaica Bay. Ecosphere. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.4876

Wirgin, I., L. Maceda, J. Stabile, M. Bednarksi, and J. Waldman. 2024. Population Structure and Broad-Scale Movements of Atlantic Sturgeon Along the North American Atlantic Coast Inferred from Genetic Analysis. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture. DOI: 10.1080/23308249.2024.2383470.

Kearnan, K., and J. Waldman. 2024. Causes of shutdowns of fish lifts on U.S. East Coast hydroelectric dams. Fisheries. 10.1002/fsh.11107

McClenachan, L., J. Waldman, et al. and 37 co-authors. 2024. Global research priorities for historical ecology to inform conservation. Endangered Species Research. DOI:10.32942/X2TK5T942

Poulet, C., G. Lassalle, A. Jordaan, K.E. Limburg, C.C. Nack, J.A. Nye, A. O’Malley,B. O’Malley-Barber,D.S. Stich, J.R. Waldman, J. Zydlewski, and P. Lambert.i 2023. Effect of straying, reproductive strategies and ocean distribution on the structure of American shad populations across its native range. Ecosphere.

Andrews, S.N., J.R. Waldman, M.S.A. Penney, Z. Yang, and T.S. Avery. 2023. Verification of a stripeless striped Bass Morone saxatilis in Miramichi River, New Brunswick, Canada. Northeastern Naturalist 30:N35–N43.

Wirgin, I., R.C. Chambers, J.R. Waldman, N.K. Roy, D.A. Witting, and M. Mattson. 2023. Effects of Hudson River stressors on Atlantic tomcod: Contaminants and a warming environment. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 1-30. DOI: 10.1080/23308249.2023.2189483.

Boehm, J.T., E.Bovee, S. Harris, K. Eddins, I. Akahoho, M. Foster, S. Pell, M.J. Hickerson, G. Amato, R. DeSalle, and J. Waldman. The United States dried seahorse trade: a comparison of traditional Chinese medicine and ecommerce-curio markets using molecular identification. PLoS ONE 18(10): e0291874.

Wirgin, I., A.G. Fox, L. Maceda, and J. Waldman. 2023. Two distinct life history strategies of Atlantic Sturgeon in the Ogeechee River, Georgia. Diversity 15, 325.

Wirgin, I., L. Maceda, J. Stabile, and J. Waldman. 2022. Genetic population structure of summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus using Microsatellite DNA Analysis. Fisheries Research DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2022.106270.

Waldman, J., and T. Quinn. 2022. North American diadromous fishes: Drivers of decline, tractability, and potential for recovery in the Anthropocene. Science Advances 8, eabl5486.

Waldman, J., S. Sharma, B. Fekete, and S. Afshari. 2019. Solar-power replacement as a solution for hydropower foregone in US dam removals. Nature Sustainability.

Waldman, J. 2019. What a postcard says about anadromous fish management. Fisheries 44:269.

Sharma, S., J. Waldman, B. Fekete, S. Afshari. 2019. Status and trends of American hydropower. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 101:112-122.

Waldman, J.R., D. Peterson, E.A. Alter, and I. Wirgin. 2018. Historical and contemporary effective population sizes of Atlantic sturgeon populations. Conservation Genetics 20:167-184. (web  version).

Roman, I., Y. Bourgeois, J. Reyes-Velasco, S. Boissinot, J.R. Waldman, and O.P. Jensen. 2018. Contrasted patterns of divergence and gene flow among fish species in a Mongolian rift lake following glaciation. Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 125:115–125.

Waldman, J. 2017. An eel fishing legacy worth remembering. Fisheries 42:71-72.

Waldman, J. 2017. A novel three-way interaction among a fish, a parasitic copepod, and algae. Ecology 98:3219-3220.

Waldman, J., K.A. Wilson, M. Mather, and N.P. Snyder. 2016. A resilience approach can improve anadromous fish restoration. Fisheries 41:116-126. (online abstract)

Boehm, J.T., J. Waldman, M. Hickerson, and J. Robinson.  2015.  Population genomics reveals seahorses (Hippocampus erectus) of the western mid-Atlantic coast to be residents rather than vagrants. PLOS  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0116219. (web version)

Jackman, G., K.E. Limburg, and J. Waldman.  2015. Life on the bottom: the chemical and morphological asymmetry of winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) sagittae. Environmental Biology of Fishes 99:27-38. (web version)

Wirgin, I., L. Maceda, J. Waldman, and D.T. Mayack.  2015.  Genetic variation and population structure of American mink Neovison vison from PCB-contaminated and non-contaminated locales in Eastern North America.  Ecotoxicology 24:1961-1975. (web version)

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